The Disability Issue in Business Society
Introduction UK Legislation Economical Aspect Social Aspect Threats
Opportunities Conclusion References Appendices Marking

Reverences, Bibliography and further reading

Journals and Newspapers
Internet Resources
Music CD

Bibliography and further reading
Journals and Newspapers
Internet Resources

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Arnade, S. (1996). Arbeitsförderung in der Krise - Neue Wege sind erforderlich. Heiden, H-G. (Ed.). Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden. (pp. 68-80) Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.

Beardwell, I. & Holden, L. (1997). Human Resource Management - A Contemporary Perspective. (2nd ed.). London: Pitman Publishing.

Bowey, A.M. & Thorpe, R. (1986). Payment systems and productivity. London: Macmillian Press.

Cherniss, C. (2001). Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Effectiveness. Cherniss, C. & Goleman, D. (Eds.). The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace. (pp. 3-12). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, John Wiley & Sons.

Clegg, B. (2000). Instant Motivation. London: Kogan Page.

Cooper, C. & Makin P. (1984). Psychology for Management. London: Macmillan Publishers.

Cooper, R.K. & Sawaf A. (2000). Executive EQ. London: Texere Publishing.

Corvey, S. (1992) The seven habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. London: Simon & Schuster.

Daniels, K. (2004). Employment Law for HR and Business Students. London: Charter Institute of Personnel and Development.

Frey, B.S. (1997). Not just for the Money - An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation. Cheltenfield: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Forsyth, P. (2000). How to motivate people. London: Kogan Page.

Gaarder, J. (1991). Sophie's World. London: Phoenix House.

Gardner, H. (1994). Frames of Mind - The Theory of multiple Intelligences (2nd ed.). London: Fontana Press.

Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence - Why it can matter more than IQ. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Herzberg, F., Mausner, B. & Bloch Snyderman, B. (1959). The Motivation to Work (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Hesse, H. (1954). Siddhartha. London: Peter Owen.

Hollyforde, S. & Whiddett, S. (2002). The motivation handbook. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Ivanovic, A. & Collin P.H. (2003). Dictionary of Human Resources. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Killinger, B. (1992). Workaholics - The Respectable Addicts. London: Simon & Schuster.

Kram, K. & Cherniss, C. (2001). Developing Emotional Competence through Relationships at Work, Cherniss, C. & Goleman, D. (Eds.). The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace, (pp. 254-285). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, John Wiley & Sons.

Kuper, A. & Kuper, J. (Eds.) (1999). The Social Science Encyclopedia (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.

Mankiw, G. (2000). Macroeconomics (4th ed.). New York: Worth Publishers.

Maslow, A. (1954). Motivation and Personality (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row Publisher.

Orwell, G. (1945). Animal Farm. London: Heinemann Educational Books.

Rist, J.M. (1972). Epicurus - An Introduction. London: Cambridge University Press.

Rütter, J. & Kokigei, M. (1999). Gleichberechtigung unter erschwerten Bedingungen - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Kommunikation zwischen Behinderten und Nichtbehinderten. Rommelspacher, B. (Ed.). Behindertenfeindlichkeit - Ausgrenzung und Vereinnahmung (pp.161-178). Göttingen: Lamuv Verlag.

Sanders, D. (1999). Ich seh ja nie welche - Über das Verhältnis von nichtbehinderten zu behinderten Frauen. Rommelspacher, B. (Ed.). Behindertenfeindlichkeit - Ausgrenzung und Vereinnahmung (pp.67-96). Göttingen: Lamuv Verlag.

Sarafino, E.P. (2002). Health Psychology - Biopsychosocial Interaction (4th Ed.). Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

Zohar, D & Marshall, I. (2000). Spiritual Intelligence - The ultimate Intelligence. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Zöller, G. (1999). Schopenhauer: Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy). München: Universität München.

Journals and Newspapers

AGCAS, (2004). What happens next? A Report on the First Destination of 2002 Graduates with Disabilities. Sheffield: AGCAS.

Capital - Das Wirtschaftsmagazin (8/2005). Männer kontra Frauen. p.16.

Daniel, C, (1996). Radical, angry and willing to work - Disability benefits lobbying in the UK) London: New Statesman.

Nickell, S, (2003) Poverty and Worklessness in Britain, London: Royal Economic Society Presidential (Nickell also works for 'Monetary Policy Committee', 'Bank of England', and London School of Economics).

Piachaud, D. & Sutherland, H. (2002). Changing Poverty Post-1997. CASE paper 63, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics

Spiegel, der (10/2005). Arbeitsmarkt - Behinderte unerwünscht. p.17

Internet Resources


Icone Centre
http://www.centroicone.it [online 03.05.2005]

dwp (Department for Work and Pensions). Employer and the DDA.
http://www.dwp.gov.uk/employers/dda/employers.asp [online 08.12.2004]

Disability Rights Commission, Know your rights.
http://www.drc-gb.org/knowyourrights/aboutyourrights.asp [online 18.02.2005]

European Union. Equal opportunities for people with disabilities: a European action plan
http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/cha/c11414.htm [online 27.04.2005]

Her Majesty's Stationary Office - HMS-Online
http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts1995/1995050.htm [online 01.03.2005]

Wikipedia - The free Encyclopedia.
http://en.wikipedia.org/ [online 13.04.2005]


Philibert, N. (2003). Être et Avoir. Maia Films.


doctorjob's (October 2004). Guide to equal opportunities. Oxon: GTI Specialist Publishers.

NHS (August 2003). Injuries to children and young people in the East of England. (ISSN 1477-7304)

Music CD

Fantastischen Vier, Die (1996). Lauschgift - Albert und die Philosophie. Stuttgart: FOUR MUSIC (Sony BMG).

Toten Hosen, Die (1999). Unsterblich - Lesbische Schwarze Behinderte. Duesseldorf: Smd Jkp (Sony BMG).

Bibliography and further reading


Barnes, H., Thonton, P. & Campbell, S.M. (1998). Disabled People and Employment. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Cartwright, R. (2003). Managing Talent. Oxford: Capstone Publishing.

Cooper, J. (2000). Law, Rights & Disability. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Graham, H.T. & Bennett, R. (1998). Human Resources Management. London: Pearson Education.

Heil, J. (1998). Philosophy of Mind, London: Routledge.

Hille, C. (2003). Barrierefrei kommunizieren - Behindertenkompensierende Techniken und Technologien fuer Computer und Internet. Berlin: Kaept'n Browsers MMC.

Holowchak, M.A. (2004). Happiness and Greek - Ethical Thought. New York: Continuum.

Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. & Saunders M. (2003). Employee Relations - Understanding the Employment Relationship. Essex: Pearson Education.

Long, A. A. (1974). Hellenistic Philosophy, London: Gerald Duckworth & Company.

Mankiw, G. (2001). Macroeconomics (2nd ed.). Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers.

Malone, M. (1994). Discrimination Law - A Practical Guide for Management. London: Kogan Page.

O'Dempsey, D. & Short A. (1996). Disability Discrimination: The Law and Practice. London: FT Law & Tax, Pearson Professional.

Paton, R.A. & McCalman, J. (2000). Change Management - A guide to effective implementation. London: SAGE Publication.

Prais, S.J. (1995). Productivity, Education and Training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rubenstein, M. (2003). Discrimination. London: Reed Elsevier.

Robbins, S. (2003). Essentials of Organizational Behaviour (7th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education.

Runde, P. & Heinze R. (1979). Chancengleichheit für Behinderte - sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse für die Praxis. Neuwied, Darmstadt: Luchterhand Druck- und Verlags-Gesellschaft.

Sargeant, M. (Ed.) (2004). Discrimination Law. Essex: Pearson Education.

Sharkey, P. (2000). The Essentials of Community Care. London: Macmillian Press.

Senge P. (1992). The Fifths Discipline - The art & Practice of 'Learning Organization,' London: Random House.

Senge, P. (2002). The Dance of Change. London: Nicolas Brealey Publishing.

Smith, G. (2004). Leading the Professionals - How to inspire & motivate professional service teams. London: Kogan Page.

Smyth, M. (2000). Business and the Human Rights Act 1998. Bristol: Jordan Publishing.

Journals and Newspapers

Council Directive 2000/78/EC (2000). Establishing a general framework of equal treatment in employment and occupation. Official Journal of the European Union.

Dickens, R. & Ellwood, D.T. (2001). Whither Poverty in Great Britain and the United States? - The Determinants of Changing Poverty and Whether Work will Work. Centre of Economic Performance D.P.No.506, London School of Economics.

Disability Rights Commission (2004). The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Employment Provisions.

Disability Rights Commission (2004). The Questions Procedure DL56.

Department for Work and Pensions (2004). Disability Discrimination Bill.

National Audit Office (1989). Invalidity Benefit: Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. London: HMSO

Nickell, S.J. (2002). A Picture of European Unemployment: Success and Failure. CEP mimeo (Available on the CEP and on the Bank of England).

Nickell, S.J. & Quintini, G. (2002). The Consquences of the Decline in Public Sector Pay in Britain: A Little Bit of Evidence. Economic Journal, 122, February, pp.F107-F118.

OECD (2002). Employment Outlook. Paris: OECD.

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (June 1995). Working at a Distance - UK Teleworking and its Implication. London: House of Commons.

Prasad, E.S. (2002). Wage Inequality in the United Kingdom, 1975-1999. IZA DP No.510, June.

Van Reenen, J. (2000). Active Labour Market Policies: The British New Deal for the Young Unemployed in Context. NBER Conference, Seeking a Premier League Economy. LSE, December.

Wood, A. (1995). How Trade Hurts Unskilled Workers. Journal of Economic Perspectives 9(3), Summer.

Internet Resources

ACAS - The independent employment relations service.
http://www.acas.org.uk/ [online 29.04.2005]

Directgov - Access to Work.
http://www.direct.gov.uk [online 27.04.2005]

Disability Rights Commission, Open for all.
http://www.drc.org.uk/open4all/ [online 18.02.2005]

Jobcenterplus - Part of the Department for Work and Pension. Help for Disabled People.
http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/cms.asp?Page=/Home/Customers/HelpForDisabledPeople [online 18.02.2005]

Papworth Trust - Unlocking the Potential of Disabled People.
http://www.papworth.org.uk/pagefor_employer.shtml [online 10.02.2005]

Prospects Today, Explore Types of Jobs.
http://www.prospects.ac.uk/cms/ShowPage/Home_page/Explore_types_of_jobs/p!elmjX [online 03.02.2005]

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